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Essay On Unity In Diversity – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids

Unity in diversity is a term that has been used in socio-cultural contexts since ancient generations. It means there is unity among the people despite geographic, ethnic, and religious differences. People living together harmoniously and speaking multiple languages are great examples of unity. This article will brief you on how to write an essay on unity in diversity for classes 1, 2, & 3. The unity in diversity essay in English will cover essential factors that influence unity and highlight its importance. Kids will learn a lot from this concept and will see society in a new light.


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On ‘Unity In Diversity’ For Lower Primary Classes

When many ethnic groups live together and get along by choice, not compulsion, it is called unity in diversity. Living in diversity can be beautiful and show us humanity’s uniqueness. Here are some key points to remember when writing about unity in diversity for lower primary classes:

  • Start with an introduction on unity and discuss how diversity and unity are related.
  • Cover examples of different cultures, ethnic groups, and religions which demonstrate the same.
  • Discuss the strengths of unity in diversity in your essay and its positive consequences.
  • End with a concluding paragraph highlighting its importance and summarise.

10 Lines On ‘Unity In Diversity’ For Kids

Respecting everyone and learning to work together in groups is a critical skill. Unity in diversity can be a lifelong skill and reap multiple benefits for the future. It is essential for the betterment of humanity and proves that we should not judge others based on their appearance, demographic, social, or economic status. An essay on this topic for classes 1 and 2 will cover all this and more. Here are a few lines on unity in diversity for your kids:

  1. India is a nation that celebrates unity in diversity, and there are many living examples of communities here.
  2. India has a great constitution that guarantees people’s rights despite belonging to different religions, cultures, and languages.
  3. Saints promote the message of brotherhood and practice unity in diversity.
  4. India, being a united country, can protect itself from foreign invasions and has successfully prevented attacks in the past.
  5. Unity promotes teamwork despite challenges.
  6. A unified country is easier to protect and ensures harmony.
  7. All religions are diverse in India and have their own sects and cultural philosophies.
  8. Unity in diversity teaches us that all living beings can bond and be tolerant of all values.
  9. Many beautiful poems teach us the importance of unity across different religions.
  10. Unity also ensures honesty among people.

A Paragraph On ‘Unity In Diversity’ For Children

Finding unity despite many differences is a skill that needs to be mastered with time. Here is a short paragraph on the unity in diversity concept:

There is a saying that alone we can do very little, but combined, we can do so much. Unity in diversity translates to this, and there are many similar slogans to it. Unity in diversity encourages thinking creatively. Diversity is built from unique traits, and much can be accomplished when you get cooperation from diverse groups. The best creative ideas are born from combined efforts, and many examples in history prove this. Mahatma Gandhi once said that a civilization’s test of time depends on unity. The only way to reach unity is through accepting diversity wholeheartedly. We can learn more about cooperation, empathy, and other values through unification.


Essay On ‘Unity In Diversity’ In India For Kids

Unity in diversity is an important concept to be learnt by kids. Given below is a short essay on the same.

Unity in diversity is important so all religions can co-exist and there is peace and harmony worldwide. Without unity, there would be chaos, and times can be rough. The most significant wars in history have shown us what happens when people get along and stand together. There is no point in fighting against each other, and understanding can go a long way towards achieving happiness. Unity is a word that starts with the letter ‘U,’ and yes, it means that we must begin by working on our minds first to unify with others. Unity is a great strength and a good source of identity. The art of thinking independently and acting together is very powerful and a force to be reckoned with. The concept ensures the ethical and moral evolution of humanity in difficult times. Its importance cannot be underestimated; only time reveals the consequences of not being unified when everyone faces hardships. Forgetting the regional, religious, and ethical differences and coming together in a time of need is the real essence of this concept.


Long Essay On ‘Unity In Diversity’ For Children

Unity in diversity is a popular concept and common phrase used by people. It makes for a great topic for discussion right before exams and can be assigned as homework. Here is how to go about writing a long essay for class 3 on it:

The meaning of unity in diversity is to get along together despite having differences. India is a great example of unity in diversity as a nation because of how people from different religions, cultures, economic strata, castes, creeds, and languages connect.


India is densely populated, and the citizens practice different religions such as Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Jainism, Christianity, and more. People worship different gods and take their word for reverence. The people also celebrate festivals such as Holi, Diwali, Mahavir Jayanti and other festivals and events peacefully without worrying about facing protests from different cultures or religions.

You can’t have an understanding like this without unity and vice versa. When we spend too much time fighting against each other, it becomes futile, and all our efforts are wasted. Unity is used to bring peace and stability to this world. Kindness does not cost; by promoting mutual understanding, we go a long way towards becoming better human beings.


Unity between many cultures also shows how different religions and belief systems get along. It feels wonderful when everyone works in harmony and there is positive energy in the environment. Unity creates a state of togetherness, and the best ideas or efforts are born from unification. Every human has a purpose or mission; sometimes, the only way to become the best versions of ourselves is by establishing unity.

What Does ‘Unity In Diversity’ Mean?

The meaning of unity in diversity is to combine our efforts, promote peacefulness, and tolerate our differences in understanding different values.


What Is The Importance Of Unity In Diversity?

The importance of unity in diversity:

  • Improves morale and balances relationships
  • Develops mutual understanding, empathy, and emotional intelligence
  • Improves cooperation, coordination, and communal productivity
  • Promotes harmony and makes it easier to finish larger tasks
  • Enhances communication and brings together people through a collaborative approach

Disadvantages Of Unity In Diversity

The disadvantages of unity in diversity are:

  • Can invite terrorist groups or attract unwanted attention when working on projects
  • Takes time to get to know people, bond, and ask them to work with others
  • It can be hard to override religious beliefs and people who are too involved in certain societies or stereotypes
  • The cost of unifying people can be very high

Difference Between Unity And Diversity

Unity is the state of being undivided or ‘oneness,’ and diversity shows the uniqueness of being different.

Factors That Can Help To Improve Unity In Diversity

Factors that can help to improve unity in diversity are:

  • The chanting of national anthems and encouraging religious harmony
  • Geographic unity, where people of different cultures and demographics live in the same region
  • Unity through language where people who speak multiple languages interact
  • Religious unity means people of different religions who understand each other, despite differences

What Will Your Child Learn From This Essay?

After reading this essay, your child will learn to get along with other kids. Unity in diversity is a concept that’s absolutely essential to understand for self-development.

You can best understand the benefits of unity in diversity by working on an essay with your kids. Get your children to invite their friends over, discuss ideas, and enjoy writing!

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Shraddha Mishra
Writer, journalist and content creator, she has worked across several publications. She takes a keen interest in travel, food and culture. A new mother, she loves talking about her parenting journey and watching her toddler play, learn and grow. When not working, you will find her watching a movie or web series, or reading a novel, chasing a good story everywhere.
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